Middle School Handbook
2024-2025 Middle School Handbook
CAFETERIA: Lunch shifts are designated as follows:
● Lunch 5/6 10:54 am - 11:19 am
● Lunch 1 11:36 am - 12:00 pm (7-8)
● Lunch 2 12:06 pm - 12:30 pm (9-12)
CELL PHONES Cell phones, pagers and personal audio equipment are not to be used in the instructional setting (Classrooms/Library/Study Hall) unless expressly requested by a teacher for educational purposes. This includes, but not limited to, taking pictures, video and/or audio recordings. If necessary to be brought to school, these items should not be used nor visible except during non-instructional periods during the day (Hallways/Cafeteria) upon entering the building until 3:20 PM. Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the bathrooms, locker rooms, and auditorium at all times. This equipment is prohibited while serving after school detention. The school district is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
PERSONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT: Items which are disruptive to the educational process such as: any personal audio equipment, walkman, headsets, iPods, MP3’s, hand held video games, cell phones, etc. should not be in use or if applicable worn in an instructional setting (Classrooms/Library/Study Hall) unless expressly requested by a teacher for educational purposes. Personal audio equipment with headphones may be used on the bus and in the hallways but for safety reasons earbuds worn in the hallways must be worn with one earbud in and one earbud out.
OPEN BEVERAGE CONTAINERS: Open, non-resealable containers or any glass containers are not permissible during the instructional day. Resealable non-glass containers are acceptable in the classrooms with teacher permission only. The juice machine in the vending area is available for student use after 3:20 p.m. Under no circumstances are students allowed to use the beverage machines in the teachers’ lounge. Energy drinks are prohibited throughout the school day.
STUDENT DRESS CODE: We take pride in the appearance of our students. Your dress reflects respect for yourself and your school. School clothing should be appropriate as to time, place and weather.
❏ Half shirts, and see-through should not be worn in school and undergarments should not be visible.
❏ Hats may be worn throughout the school day. It is up to teachers discretion on the wearing of hats in their individual classrooms. Hoods may not be worn in the school building from the start of the school day (first bell) to 3:20 pm.
❏ Shorts, skorts and skirts should be a minimum of fingertip length when the arms are down at the side.
❏ Undergarment should not be visible at any time.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: For safety and for student property protection bookbags, bags or any personal belongings may not be left unattended in the hallways. If found by staff, items will be picked up and brought to the main office. The school district is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
2024-2025 Handbook
- Mission Statement
- Philosophy Statement
- Middle School Philosophy
- What is PBIS/PRIDE
- School Calendar & Daily Schedule
- Academic Information
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- General Procedures and Information
- Health Services
- Media Center
- Student Attendance
- Student Transportation
- Technology Use
Mission Statement
The mission of Letchworth Central School is to prepare each student for the challenges of his or her own distinct future in a democratic, pluralistic society. Each pupil will acquire the life skills, moral values and information processing capabilities to become successful, fulfilled adults. The school community will develop and maintain high staff and student morale and encourage the love for learning as a lifelong process. This is best achieved by bringing the world to our students through the cooperative effort and common goals of staff, students and community.
Philosophy Statement
Middle School Philosophy
It is our belief that the middle school model serves as the best developmental bridge between the elementary and high school experiences. The members of the Letchworth Central School community believe in the following philosophy of middle school education:
➢ best addresses the developing intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs of students in grades 5-8.
➢ helps to foster an atmosphere of respect for school, community and a multicultural world.
➢ provides the best opportunity for a creative and adventurous learning environment.
➢ provides opportunity for students to learn as fast as they can or as slow as they must.
➢ provides a safe and supportive atmosphere for emotional growth.
August 2024
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome! Once again the excitement of beginning a new school year is upon us. Isn’t it great how all the possibilities that lie before us inspire us? Our staff looks forward to working with you as we endeavor to make the 2024-2025 school year a successful, rewarding one for all of our students.
We especially want you, our students to know that we fully expect that you will continue to grow in learning, in your ability and willingness to assume responsibility, in becoming true friends with your classmates. Your teachers, staff and administrators are here to help you. Obviously, we look to your parents/guardians for their support in our efforts. Together we can achieve our goals!
Please take a moment to read through this handbook to become familiar with school procedures and other pertinent information. Also, please note that this handbook is available on our school website for your continued reference.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with all of you!
Sincerely, Amy Leone Middle School Principal
*Help others *Make healthy food choices *Use proper mannersPBIS is a systems approach to creating safer and more effective schools. PBIS focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support the positive behavior of all students. PRIDE is the acronym we use for your school PBIS program.
Teachers are expected to go over what behaviors in our middle school we need to see for our students to be successful. These behaviors are taught at the beginning of the year and are reinforced throughout the school year.
We use various systems to recognize students who exhibit behaviors that are in line with our PRIDE program. Students have the opportunity to earn rewards, incentives, and recognition for their behavior that also serves to remind others of what is expected.
We have a team of teachers, school counselors, and administrators that meet three times a year and over the summer to review our program and make any changes necessary. The next three pages of the handbook will give you information about what our acronym stands for and the behaviors that we teach throughout the year.
If you ever have any questions feel free to call the Middle School Office at (585) 493-2592.
PBIS Middle School Behavior Expectation Matrix
Goals | Hallway & Lockers | Classroom | Cafeteria | Bathrooms | Bus | Electronic Devices |
Be Respectful of Self and Others | *Use appropriate tone of voice *Keep hands & feet to self *Close your locker quietly *Be considerate of others privacy *Access only your locker and belongings | *Listen & follow teacher directions at all times *Listen to your peers without interrupting *Treat others as you wish to be treated *Raise your hand & wait your turn to talk *Pay attention to the person who is speaking *Wait for teacher to dismiss you | *Use appropriate tone of voice *Use good table manners – say please & thank you *Keep hands to self *Wait your turn in line *Throw garbage in baskets *Listen to staff | *Speak quietly *Knock, have manners, give privacy *Leave the bathroom as you found it *Keep walls and stalls clean *Put paper towels & other trash in the trash cans | *Follow driver’s instructions and bus rules *Greet bus driver *Treat others the way you would like to be treated *Use polite, quiet voices *Use appropriate language | *Keep the volume on your chromebook low enough so you can still hear instructions *Use appropriate websites *Use active listening *Be aware of how your actions affect those around you |
Be Responsib le at all times | *Keep hands at your side & to yourself *Know where you are going *Go directly to your destination *Use your own locker solely for your items | *Demonstrate good character *Organize materials & hand in homework on time *Be on time & prepared *Do your best work *Come to school with a positive attitude & ready to learn |
*Pick up after self *Return trays *Listen to staff *Stay in seat *Clean up your space *Ask permission to use the bathroom *Use earbuds in one ear while eating with chromebook (7th & 8th grade only) |
*Keep things clean *Turn off water *Bring pass *Wash hand with soap & water *Use bathroom in timely manner *If possible, go to the bathroom before or after class, not during *Return to class in timely manner *Keep your chromebook out of the bathroom |
*Bring homework in your book bag. *Keep items in book bag. *Be on time to the bus stop. | *Follow teacher directions *Log on to the correct website (appropriate websites) *Be patient while your chromebook is thinking *Use earbuds in one ear while traveling *Use your chromebook for education activities and discussions *Keep your chromebook out of the bathroom |
Be Safe at all times | *Walk *Watch where you are going *Keep hands & feet to self *Report misbehavior *Stay to the right side of the hall *Keep chromebook closed *Be alert | *Keep hands & feet to self *Walk *Keep all four legs of chair on floor *Push chair in *Use materials properly | *Stay in seat *Use appropriate tone of voice *Listen to staff *Keep hands & feet to self *Walk | *Keep hands & feet to self *Report any problems to the teacher or office | *No food or drinks on the bus (allergies) *Sit on the seat *Keep hands, feet, and objects to self and out of aisle *Review and follow all bus safety rules *Wait attentively at bus stop | *Keep all personal information private and use discretion when sharing that information *Use email for academic purposes only |
Be Scholarly | *Remain silent so others can learn *Return quickly to your classroom | *Ask questions to clarify *Be willing to participate in class *Make use of learning strategies *Do your best on your work *Advocate for your learning | *Help others *Make healthy food choices *Use proper manners | *Return promptly to class *Follow proper bathroom procedures | *Remind others to follow the rules | *Use your chromebook for education activities and discussions |
School Calendar & Daily Schedule
Academic Information
The teaching staff and administration of Letchworth Central School have high expectations for all students in regard to academic pursuits. Students are expected to work hard, complete assignments in a timely manner, and seek extra academic help as needed. It is vital for students, parents, teachers and administrators to work together in our efforts to provide a quality education for all students. The teaching and administrative staff welcomes your input regarding all aspects of our academic program. Attainment of appropriate scholarship is expected of all students. Although 65% is the passing mark for grades 5-12, each student is urged to aim for a higher mark. Be fair to yourself by doing your best work.
As a result of the Higher Standards initiative, the New York State Education Department has mandated school districts to provide Academic Intervention Services in order for all students to meet and exceed higher academic expectations. Therefore, the following intervention services will be in place for the school year.
1. Extensive Writing Labs: Thirty-nine minutes duration Curriculum developed by grades 5-8 staff. Students scheduled via state test results and teacher/principal recommendation.
2. Extensive Mathematics Labs: Thirty-nine minutes duration Curriculum developed by grades 5-8 staff Students scheduled via state test results and teacher/principal recommendation.
3. Academic Intervention Service in the Learning Center: Thirty-nine minutes duration Professional staff members (teachers and teacher assistants) will be scheduled as tutors Students scheduled via state test results and teacher/principal recommendation.
4. Middle School Support or Study Skills: Thirty-nine minutes duration Certified teachers will be scheduled as tutors Students scheduled via state test results and teacher/principal recommendation.
Students will be accelerated in mathematics beginning in grade 6. Student selection will occur at the conclusion of grade 5. Students who are eligible for math acceleration need a signed parental permission and must meet the following criteria:
● State test data (4,5,6)
● Aimsweb data (4,5,6)
● Grades in math and science (4,5,6)
● Recommendation from current teachers (like honor society)
● Student application (completed at school without parent assistance)
● Parent consent signed by parent
● If a student is accelerated in science they must be accelerated in math, but don’t need to be accelerated in science to be accelerated in math.
● Accelerated students may not be absent more than 10 days throughout the school year.
● Accelerated students must also maintain at least an 85 overall average every quarter.
The team will meet every 5 weeks until the end of 20 weeks to review all students in the accelerated program. They will make a recommendation to the MS Principal on whether or not students should continue with the accelerated program. The MS Principal will have the final say in the recommendation
One section of 6 th grade mathematics will be taught the 7 th grade mathematics curriculum. Students will study 8 th grade mathematics in 7 th grade. In grade 8, students will be enrolled in Integrated Algebra and take the Common Core Algebra State Exam. At any time during the 6 th and 7 th grade year, in any one quarter should a student’s grade drop below 85%, a review may be held with students, parents and teachers to determine if placement is appropriate. * Students will be monitored closely in this accelerated program.
Students involved in this program will study the content from 7 th Grade Life Science and 8 th Grade Physical Science over the course of one school year. When entering the 7 th grade, students selected for acceleration will take Science 7 during the first 20 weeks of school and Science 8 during the second 20 weeks. Since students will cover the same content but at a faster pace it is imperative that they maintain a high level of responsibility. By completing this program, a student will take Earth Science as an 8 th grader, and will continue accelerating throughout their high school career. The ultimate goal for these students is to have more opportunities to take Advance Placement and Honors level Science courses as a high school student. Students who are eligible for science acceleration need a signed parental permission and must meet the following criteria: ● State test data (4,5,6) ● Aimsweb data (4,5,6) ● Grades in math and science (4,5,6) ● Recommendation from current teachers (like honor society) ● Student application (completed at school without parent assistance) ● Parent consent signed by parent ● If a student is accelerated in science they must be accelerated in math, but don’t need to be accelerated in science to be accelerated in math. ● Accelerated students may not be absent more than 10 days throughout the school year. ● Accelerated students must also maintain at least an 85 overall average every quarter
Teachers will review all students’ progress at each 5 week reporting period. At any time during the 7 th and 8 th grade year, should a quarter grade drop below 85%, a review will be held with students, parents and teachers to determine if placement is appropriate. Marked improvement is expected and failure to do so will result in the student being removed from the accelerated program. * Students will be monitored closely in this accelerated program.
ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOKS (AGENDAS) In order to encourage organization and responsibility, each student in grades 5-8 will be provided an agenda if they choose to use one. By keeping the agenda, valuable skills will be learned which will benefit the child throughout his/her academic career. It also is a tool to improve communication between school and home. Parents may be asked at times to check and sign the agenda. * The first agenda will be provided. Students must pay for replacement agendas.
CALCULATION OF GRADES In calculating final averages for all courses, four-fifths of the final average will be derived from quarter grades, and one-fifth of the final average derived from the local final exam. Regents exams will not impact credit for the course but contributes to the state graduation requirement. Local credit will not be granted unless the average is passing. In calculating a final grade for a repeated subject, the highest grade from each quarter will be averaged with the highest final exam score. If the course does not have a local final exam, the final average will be derived from the four quarter grades. Calculation of final averages will be as follows: Classes with final exam: four-fifths of the final average will be derived from quarter grades, and one-fifth from the final exam. Classes with no final exam: final averages will be based on the averages of the four quarterly grades. * Local credit will not be granted unless the average is passing (both local & Regents courses)
DROPPING A COURSE The schedules have been set up to accommodate class size and block period restrictions in order to meet the guidelines to maintain for “In Person” learning. At this time, no schedule changes will be processed unless there is a program change. Changes will be made at the discretion of the Principal. Established policy at Letchworth Central School dictates that students may not drop a course (or change to a lower level). To maintain the integrity of our academic programs, students must attend and complete the course(s) for which they were originally scheduled and/or to which they have been assigned. Students and parent(s)/guardian(s) are advised that they should carefully consider these issues at course selection time and that selection of courses at the time represents a firm commitment to scheduling decisions. Counselors are independently authorized only to make changes involving errors, voids or additions to a student’s schedule. Other questions regarding this policy should be addressed in the following manner: 1. The student informs his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) that they may call the student’s counselor. 2. The counselor sets up an appointment with parent(s)/guardian(s), student, counselor and teacher to review the request. Prior to the conference, the counselor is expected to reinforce Letchworth Central School’s policy regarding high expectations for all students with all those concerned. 3. If it is apparent that a change is called for, the counselor is to review the matter with the Middle School Principal. If the change is approved, the counselor will notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) and student. If no change is recommended, the counselor will notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) and inform them that they may call the Middle School Principal to schedule a conference with the counselor, teacher, administrator and student if they wish to pursue the matter
FINAL EXAMINATIONS All students completing course requirements are expected to be in attendance during final exams. In the event of a medical emergency (i.e. hospitalization, severe sickness, etc.) a doctor’s verification of sickness will be required in order for the final exam to be administered at a later date. Students who have been denied credit under the LCS Attendance Policy will not be allowed to sit for final examinations. Regents exams are only administered on the date set by New York State (there are no make-up dates).
FOREIGN LANGUAGE GRADING Students taking foreign language at the middle level are eligible to obtain one (1) high school credit in Spanish or French and be scheduled into Spanish II or French II in their 9 th grade year if the following conditions are met: 1. The combined average of the seventh and eighth grade classes is 65 or above. AND 2. The eighth grade final exam (local proficiency) receives a passing score. If the above conditions are not met, the student will be scheduled into a Spanish I or French I class in their 9 th grade year.
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA / CREDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS New York State offers several different diploma/credential types currently for general education students and students with disabilities with all Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a Section 504 Accommodation Plan. The chart provided at: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/curriculum-instruction/diploma-and-creden tials-summary-requirements.pdf is intended to provide an overview of the requirements and identify the student population that have access to each type of diploma and non-diploma exiting credential. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Letchworth Guidance Department at 493-3530.
HOME TUTORING 1. A student becomes eligible for home tutoring on the date the school principal receives notification from a medical doctor of the need for home tutoring. The notification must be completed on a doctor’s letterhead or medical/prescription pad. The notification should include a beginning and ending date of service and must be updated on a monthly basis. 2. It is the responsibility of the principal, in cooperation with the teachers of the pupil, to determine what level of home tutoring is required for the student. The school recognizes that some pupils will need more than the state mandated minimum of two hours per day. 3. Every effort should be made to hire tutors that are certified in the subject area to be taught. 4. It is the responsibility of the tutor to insure that all tasks assigned by the regular teacher are completed. A zero will be awarded for all incomplete tutor supervised assignments. 5. All tasks required that cannot be completed at home (science lab, fine arts projects, physical education activities, etc.) must be completed upon return to school within a time period determined to be appropriate by the regular teachers. 6. All exams must be taken in the presence of the regular teacher in order to demonstrate content proficiency. The student may come to school for those examinations while being home tutored or take all of the tests on return to school. The building principal may make exceptions to the above (in extraordinary circumstances). 7. A final exam will be given at the end of the course. The difficulty level of the final will be equivalent to that of the most recent final administered in the course. 8. It is the responsibility of the regular teacher to assign grades for the tutoring period and to determine whether the student will be awarded credit for the course. * Students being tutored are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities.
HOMEWORK All homework assignments are to be completed and returned on time. In most cases, completion of homework will be expected by the next class; however, some long-term assignments may be given. If a student has missed class time due to absence for any reason (music lessons, illness, field trips, etc.) it is his/her responsibility to follow these procedures: 1. Check with the teacher personally to obtain the assignment. 2. Teachers will determine a fair amount of time in which to complete assignments. As a general rule, homework will count between 10% and 15% of students’ overall average and is therefore an important part of your academic responsibilities. To maximize the benefits of work done outside of school, it is important that work be completed to the best of your ability and handed in on time. Specific procedures and percentages assigned to homework will be provided by your classroom teachers. In cases where students develop a pattern of not turning in homework or turning in incomplete or unacceptable work a parent/teacher conference will be arranged.
Academic achievement will be recognized in grades 5-12 by an honor roll: Honor 84.5 - 89.499 High Honor 89.5 - 94.499 Highest Honor 94.5 - 100
PHYSICAL EDUCATION INFORMATION AND EXPECTATIONS 1. Students must wear appropriate physical education attire and footwear. 2. Locker rooms will be used to change for PE classes. Students will be assigned their own lockers and combination locks. They should not share this information with anyone. 3. Medical Excuses: ● By law, a student may be excused from physical education for no more than one day by a parental excuse. The school nurse may extend the parent’s one day excuse if she feels it is appropriate. Parents must contact the school nurse for parent excuses. ● If a student is to be excused from physical education for more than one day, a written excuse (with release date) is required from the physician. 4. Students with medical excuses are not exempted from physical education class. These students will be given alternative study related to physical education. 5. Adaptive Physical Education: ● The physical education instructor will assign the student’s activities based upon the physician’s recommendation. 6. Physical education grades will be calculated into the student's overall grade point average (GPA). 7. If a student does not participate in Physical Education class and is participating in extracurricular activities, they will not be allowed to participate in practice or a game on the same day.
PROMOTION IN GRADES (5-8) Students failing 2 or more units of study in grades 5- 8 will be considered for retention. Successful completion of summer school courses will weigh in any promotion / retention decisions. The final decision will rest with the principal.
REPORT CARDS/INTERIM REPORTS Ten week report cards and five week interim reports will be sent home with the students on the following dates unless otherwise noted: 5 Week Fri., October 10, 2024 10 Week Fri., November 15, 2024 15 Week Fri., December, 20, 2024 20 Week Fri., January 31, 2025 25 Week Thurs., March 14, 2025 30 Week Fri., April 25, 2025 35 Week Fri., May 23 2025 40 Week Reports will be mailed home
SUMMER SCHOOL Students are encouraged to attend Summer School to complete courses not passed, or for courses in which a student has difficulty. Guidelines for entry into Summer School include: 1. Students must achieve a minimum of 50% final average in the course to enroll in Summer School. 2. Students must complete the course during the regular school year. 3. If #1 and #2 in the procedure are not met, a teacher, student or parent may request the building principal to review a possible extraordinary circumstance in order for entrance into the summer school program. 4. In calculating a final grade the following will be in effect: ▪ 2 best quarters from the regular school year will be averaged with 2 quarters from summer school. Also, the best final exam (school year or summer school) will be calculated as 1/5 of the final grade. Example: 61 School year 62 School year 73 Summer School 73 Summer School 70 Final Exam 68 Final Grade (Total ÷5) ▪ If a student has a grade of 65 or above in Summer School, but obtains less than a 65 average as calculated above, the student will obtain a recorded final grade of 65 and receive course credit.
SUMMER TUTORING PROGRAM Students at Letchworth Central School are encouraged and expected to attend summer school when failing academic classes. However, summer tutoring may be approved by the school principal on a case by case basis and subject to the following guidelines: 1. The tutor must be a certified teacher approved by the school principal. 2. The student must receive equivalent hours of instruction as provided in summer school (generally 45 hours of instruction). 3. A final exam must be given at the end of each course. The final exam will be equivalent to the most recent final in this subject area. The curriculum coordinator for this subject will review and approve the exam. 4. Tutor’s record of attendance, lesson plans, grade book and final exams must be handed in to the Guidance Office. 5. The tutorial program of study must be provided in writing and be approved by the building principal prior to the beginning of the tutoring program.
WITHDRAWAL AND TRANSFER The procedure for withdrawal or transferring is: 1. Secure authorization for withdrawal or transfer from your parent or guardian. 2. Obtain the appropriate forms from the Guidance Office. 3. Have the forms completed by your teachers, return all school/library books and property, and pay all fees and charges. 4. Return the completed forms to the Guidance Office for final clearance, complete the exit survey, and receive your transfer card.
Extra-Curricular Activities
ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY Letchworth Middle School recognizes the importance of extracurricular activities in developing a well-rounded student. However, at Letchworth Central School, academic success is our first priority. Therefore, the following procedures will be in effect for all 5-8 students: 1. Extracurricular activities include (but are not limited to) interscholastic athletics, school clubs and organizations, school social events such as dances, concerts, field trips, and movie/fun nights. 2. The performance of all students will be monitored by the administration, guidance counselors, faculty, coaches, and activity/club advisors. This group effort is to help the student having academic difficulties. 3. Faculty, coaches, and activity/club advisors will communicate with each other on a routine basis regarding student performance and academic progress. 4. Students failing or struggling in any subjects will be expected to receive academic support in one of the following ways: a. Receive Academic Intervention Services during the school day. 5. If a faculty member, coach, or activity/club advisor believes that the student is not meeting his/her obligations or making adequate academic progress, this should be brought to the attention of the building principal for appropriate action, up to and including suspension from extracurricular activities.
ATHLETIC TRAINING REGULATIONS Athletes are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior that reflects positively on their school and community, in or out of school as well as in or out of sports seasons. Misconduct may result in disciplinary action or suspension from the athletic program. Any athlete using or in possession of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or other illegal chemicals using or possessing a lighted or unlighted cigarette, cbd products, cigar, pipe, electronic cigarette (“e-cigarette” or “e-cig”) or similar devices including but not limited to e-hookahs, hookah pens and vape pens; or using chewing or smokeless tobacco, including dip, chew, and/or snuff, in any form, and all other tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or other illegal chemicals use in all school buildings, on school grounds, and in any vehicle used to transport children or personnel in accordance with the Letchworth Central School Code of Conduct is subject to consequences under the following procedure:
A) First Offense: 1. Athlete will be permitted to resume practice with the team, under the following conditions: ● The athlete will agree to screening and counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) by either the family physician or an alternative agency acceptable to the appropriate building principal. Letchworth Central School will not be responsible for any fees associated with screening or counseling. ● Athlete will not be permitted to return to practice before screening is scheduled. ● Once the substance abuse screening is scheduled, the following will be imposed: o For sports with 10 or fewer regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 2 contest suspension. o For sports with 11-14 regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 3 contest suspension. o For sports with 15 or more regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 4 contest suspension.
B) Second Offense (within one calendar year of the date of the 1 st offense): 1. Athlete will be permitted to resume practice with the team under the following conditions: ● The athlete will agree to screening and participation in counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) by either the family physician or an alternative agency acceptable to the appropriate building principal. Letchworth Central School will not be responsible for any fees associated with screening or counseling. ● Athlete will not be permitted to return to practice before screening is scheduled. ● Once the substance abuse screening is scheduled, the following will be imposed: For sports with 10 regular season scheduled contests or less, the athlete will serve a 4 contest suspension. For sports with 11-14 regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 6 contest suspension. For sports with 15 or more regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve an 8 contest suspension. o Athletes with a first or second offense who do not agree to screening and participation in counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) will be subject to a one calendar year suspension from the date of the offense. o Contest suspensions will carry over to the next sport in which the athlete participates within one calendar year. o An athlete who is reinstated into the athletic program, then fails to complete counseling will be recommended to the Review Committee for Athletics for gross misconduct.
C) Third Offense (within one calendar year of the date of the 1 st offense): 1. Exclusion from interscholastic participation for one calendar year. 2. The athlete will agree to screening and counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) by either the family physician or an alternative agency acceptable to the appropriate building principal (before reinstatement into the extracurricular athletic program). Letchworth Central School will not be responsible for any fees associated with screening or counseling.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACCOUNTS (INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS) All proceeds of student fundraising are the property of the student organization and may not be refunded to individual students for any reason. The student organization may elect that certain fundraisers be applied to a student's individual account within the organization for a specific purpose (such as a trip) but these proceeds still belong to the student organization and may not be refunded or reimbursed to the student for any reason, per New York State law. Direct payments from students or families for individual student purposes, such as a trip, may be refunded to the student or family if the activity is canceled and the funds are reimbursed to the student organization from the vendor. Students will not be permitted to transfer money from one school extracurricular account to another. When students graduate or leave Letchworth Central School, any remaining money in an individual account will remain in the general fund of the extracurricular organization.
STUDENT/ATHLETE TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURE All athletes are expected to follow the general school policy pertaining to bus transportation to and from away athletic activities. Please note the following regulations pertaining to transportation of students to and from away athletic events. 1. Students must ride the bus to and from the away athletic events unless arrangements have been made in advance to do otherwise. Students may ride home from an away event with the parent upon request from the parent, or may ride with an immediate member of the family 18 years of age or older. Parent/guardian or family member over 18 must sign and date the player/parent sign out sheet in the presence of the coach before leaving the event. 2. Students wishing to ride with a parent/guardian of a teammate, must obtain written permission from both the parent/guardian and the adult driver. The written note must be cleared through the building principal in advance. The adult driver must sign and date the player/parent sign out sheet in the presence of the Letchworth Central School coach before leaving the event. 3. Students should get off the bus in their home community or at the high school when the bus is scheduled to return to the school. If a student wishes to get off the bus at a stop other than the home community or the school, arrangements must be made in advance by way of written request from the parent to the principal.
NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY - CHARLES W. LITTLE CHAPTER Membership is based upon scholarship, character, service, leadership and citizenship. Students who are in third quarter sixth grade and students in seventh or eighth grade with a cumulative average of 90% or higher, who are enrolled in a New York State Regents curriculum or the equivalent standard of excellence, may be considered for membership by the Faculty Council. Final selection shall be made by the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council reserves the right to award honorary membership to students. The Letchworth National Junior Honor Society does not discriminate in its selection of members on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. Induction of new members will take place in the Spring of each school year.
PARTICIPATION IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Letchworth Central School considers extra-curricular activities to be those activities carried on outside the curriculum or regular course of study in school. In order to participate in an extracurricular activity, the student must be in attendance before 8:45 a.m. on school days and remain for the entire day. To practice or participate in an activity on a weekend, the student must be in attendance before 8:45 a.m. on Friday and remain for the entire day. Absences for part of the day for legal appointments are acceptable. Students will be required to provide a note from their physician when out of school for a medical appointment. The building principal will have the final decision relative to possible emergency situations. Students may not participate in any extracurricular activities or practices on the day of an in-school suspension , out-of-school suspension, or if they are out on Home-Tutoring.
REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The Review Committee for Extracurricular Activities is designed to review cases of gross misconduct brought before it by the principal. A) The Review Committee consists of the following members: 1. The Director of Athletics and/or other appropriate extracurricular representative 2. Building Principal 3. Superintendent or designee 4. Board of Education member B) The student involved in gross misconduct should request to appear with his/her parents or guardian. C) Copies of the decision reached by the review committee will be on file with the Building Principal. A copy will also be sent to the student and his/her parents or guardians.
STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council is composed of four representatives from each grade level 7-8. Grades 5 & 6 will elect 1 student representative from each homeroom. School-wide elections are held for Student Council officers. Student Council officers must be from grades 7-8. This group plans student activities and projects and gives input to the school administration on policies affecting students. Meetings are held once a month and all members of the student body are welcome to attend.
General Procedures and Information
ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements will be made at the beginning and end of each school day. Students should be quiet and attentive during announcements. Items to be announced must be written on the appropriate form, signed by a faculty member, and delivered to the H.S. office by 8:30 a.m.
AUDIO EQUIPMENT, HAND HELD VIDEO GAMES The use of chromebooks, iPods, MP3 players and other personal audio equipment are not to be used in the instructional setting (Classrooms/Library/Study Hall) unless expressly requested by a teacher for educational purposes. If necessary to be brought to school, these items should not be used nor visible except during non-instructional periods during the day (Hallways/Cafeteria) upon entering the building until 3:20 pm for students in grades 5-8. For safety reasons, headphones are not to be worn in the hallway at any time. The school district is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
PLAYING CARDS AND TRADING CARDS Playing cards and trading cards are prohibited during the instructional setting (Classrooms/Library/Study Hall) unless permitted by the teacher for educational purposes. If necessary to be brought to school, these items should not be used nor visible except during non-instructional periods during the day (Hall/Cafeteria) upon entering the building until 1:55 PM for grades 5 and 6, and 3:20 for grades 7 and 8. Students using these cards during an instructional setting without permission will have them confiscated. Gambling is prohibited on school grounds at all times.
CAFETERIA It is the District’s goal to provide students with access to nutritious meals each school day. At this time breakfast and lunch for all students in grades PK-12 are free. Students may receive one free meal at breakfast and one free meal at lunch. Any subsequent meals will need to be paid for separately. If a student is purchasing a la Carte items they are urged to facilitate serving time by paying for lunches in advance. This may be done through payment by check made out to, “Letchworth Central School” or online with a credit card or checking account through www.myschoolbucks.com website.
Lunch times listed below:
Lunch 5/6 10:54 am - 11:19 am
Lunch 1 11:36 am - 12:00 pm (7-8)
Lunch 2 12:06 pm - 12:30 pm (9-12)
To ensure a pleasant atmosphere students should talk in a low tone and promptly clean up any mess that one may have made. A student must receive a pass to leave the room at lunch to use the restroom. One student at a time will be allowed to leave. Students must wear masks and practice social distancing while using the restroom.
CELL PHONES Cell phones, pagers and personal audio equipment are not to be used in the instructional setting (Classrooms/Library/Study Hall) unless expressly requested by a teacher for educational purposes. If necessary to be brought to school, these items should not be used nor visible except during non-instructional periods during the day (Hallways/Cafeteria) upon entering the building until 3:20 pm for grades 5-8. Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in the bathrooms, locker rooms, and auditorium at all times. This equipment is prohibited while serving after school detention. The school district is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
CLASS OR ACTIVITY MEETINGS Meetings may be held only with the approval and presence of the advisors(s) and prior scheduling with the main office.
DANCES School dances are open only to Letchworth students (Eligibility Policy applies) and their guests. Students wishing to bring a guest must request permission from the building principal at least 2 days prior to the dance. Written permission from your parent/guardian and your guest’s parent/guardian must be provided to the principal prior to the date of the dance. Guests must be of the same grade level. All regular school rules are in effect at dances. Once a student leaves the dance he/she will not be readmitted.
DRESS ▪ We take pride in the appearance of our students. Your dress reflects respect for yourself and your school. School clothing should be appropriate as to time, place and weather. ▪ Clothing with inappropriate messages (includes messages related to drugs/alcohol/tobacco or sexual content) are unacceptable and should not be worn to school. ▪ Half shirts, see-through, strapless tops or dresses, should not be worn in school and undergarments should not be infractvisible. ▪ Bracelets, necklaces and belts with protruding spikes and chains should not be worn. ▪ Hats may be worn throughout the school day. It is up to a teacher's discretion on the wearing of hats in their individual classroom. Hoods may not be worn in the school building from the start of the school day (first bell) to 3:20 pm. ▪ Shorts, skorts and skirts should be of modest length (i.e. fingertip length) and not be distracting to the educational environment. Spandex shorts are not permitted. ▪ Sun glasses (unless prescribed by a physician) should not be worn in school. ▪ Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed, including slippers. Footwear requirements may change class to class.
DRUG FREE SCHOOL ZONE The campus of Letchworth Central School has been officially declared a “Drug Free School Zone.” This includes drugs, alcohol, tobacco (as defined in Letchworth Central School Code of Conduct) and applies to anyone on school grounds and extends 1,000 feet beyond the school’s boundary lines. The legal implications of this declaration may include increased penalties in a court of law for drug related offenses.
ELIGIBILITY TO ATTEND SOCIAL EVENTS Social events include (but are not limited to) school social events such as dances, game/fun nights, movie nights, etc. If a faculty member, coach or activity/club advisor believes that a student is not meeting his/her obligation or making adequate academic progress, this should be brought to the attention of the building principal for appropriate action, up to and including suspension from extracurricular activities. For example… 3. If a student is on the 5-week failure list for 2 or more subjects preceding the event, he/she may not be eligible to attend. 4. If a student receives 2 or more disciplinary referrals in a 5-week period preceding the event, he/she may not be eligible to attend. 5. In order to participate, the student must be in attendance prior to 8:00 a.m. on school days and remain for the entire day.
EMERGENCY CLOSING In the event that school is called off due to bad weather or an emergency, announcement of this fact will be made over the following stations: WBLK (93.7) - Buffalo WHAM (1180) - Rochester WBEN (930) - Buffalo WCJW (1140) - Warsaw WBEE (92.5) - Rochester Parents and students are advised to listen to WHAM 1180/ 13 WHAM TV when possible, as these stations provide the best and quickest service of emergency announcements. On mornings when weather is questionable, please do not call school officials, but listen to the radio.
EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATES Generally all children under 18 years of age must have working papers. You should check with the secretary in the High School Office for more details and to obtain an application. The office is open all school days (8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) and weekdays during summer vacation (8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.). Parental permission, proof of age, certificate of physical fitness, and social security number are required.
HALL PASSES Except for the allotted passing time between classes, all students are required to have a pass when in the corridors. Obtain the pass from your teacher, complete the sign out sheet, and carry the pass to your destination. As you are to go to each class or study hall prepared for work, locker passes will be issued only in exceptional instances. You may be outside the school building or in the parking lots during school hours only with permission of the administration. There will be no permanent passes from study hall to another location.
ILLNESS Students who become ill during the day should report to the school nurse. 1. If you become ill while in class, request permission and obtain a corridor pass from your teacher to go to the health office. 2. If you become ill between classes, report to your next class, request permission and obtain a corridor pass to go to the health office. 3. If the nurse is not in, you should immediately report to the high school office. Under no circumstances should you wait in the health office without permission of the nurse or the high school office. 4. The nurse will make the determination if a student should be sent home.
INJURY An injury sustained on school property must be reported immediately to the teacher in charge, the health office or the high school office. For coverage under the student accident policy immediate reporting is essential. Exposure to blood or other bodily fluid should be reported to school officials immediately. Any faculty member or student exposed to blood should be evaluated by a medical professional.
LAVATORIES For lavatory privileges you should obtain a pass from the study hall or class teacher and follow sign-out/sign-in procedures. Students in the cafeteria study halls and lunch are to use only the lavatories adjacent to the cafeteria. Students should use the lavatory that is closest to their classroom at that time.
LEAVING SCHOOL DURING THE DAY If you must leave school for a scheduled appointment, take your parental permission to the health office before school to be included on the irregular absence list. You will be called from class when your parent arrives at the office. You must sign out before leaving and have parental permission and office approval. Reminder: Students must enter and exit from the MS/HS main entrance during the school day (8:45 am - 3:20 pm). No student may leave the school building during the school day unless accompanied by a teacher or by permission from the high school office. Signing out without permission is considered truancy.
LOCKERS Each student will be issued a corridor locker and a gym locker. However, due to Covid-19 this may change throughout the school year. It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your locker by withholding the combination from others. Students must assume responsibility for their own personal property and their textbooks. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Lockers should be kept clean and orderly. Any decorations should be in good taste and not deface school property. Avoid leaving food in your locker overnight.
OPEN BEVERAGE CONTAINERS Open, non-resealable containers or any glass containers are not permissible during the instructional day. [Resealable plastic containers are acceptable in the classrooms with teacher permission only.] Energy drinks are prohibited throughout the school day.
SCHOOL ISSUED SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Materials such as electronic chromebooks, books and graphing calculators will be distributed during the first week of class. These items are your responsibility and you will be charged for undue wear or loss. If money is due, the school policy is to withhold credits, report cards, and credentials.
PERSONAL PROPERTY, AUDIO EQUIPMENT, HAND HELD VIDEO GAMES The use of tabs, iPods, MP3 players and other personal audio equipment are not to be used in the instructional setting (Classrooms/Library/Study Hall) unless expressly requested by a teacher for educational purposes. If necessary to be brought to school, these items should not be used nor visible except during non-instructional periods during the day (Hallways/Cafeteria) upon entering the building until 3:20 pm for students in grades 5-8. For safety reasons, headphones are to be worn with one earbud in and one earbud out in the hallway at any time. For safety and for student property protection, bookbags, bags or any personal belongings may not be left unattended in the hallways. If found by staff, items will be picked up and brought to the main office.
The school district is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE The school is not required to offer student accident insurance however, as assistance to families, the Board of Education does purchase a “scheduled insurance” which provides MINIMAL coverage. Families are responsible for paying bills resulting from student accidents. If the family insurance plan does not completely cover the medical bills, the school’s insurance will help as “scheduled” for each type of accident. If you have questions about student accident insurance coverage, please call our insurance agent, Harts Insurance, in Perry at 237-2126 or the School Health Office at 493-5999, Ext. 7149.
STUDY HALL To provide an atmosphere in which all students may work productively, the following rules should be adhered to: 1. Be on time and sit in your assigned seat. 2. Come prepared with materials for the entire period. The purpose of study hall is to study, work on homework, or read a book. 3. Work quietly, obtaining the teacher’s permission to talk. 4. Obtain teacher’s permission to leave and complete the appropriate pass and sign-out procedure when doing so. No permanent passes will be issued. 5. Students must have pre-signed passes in order to go to a teacher’s room, as study hall teachers are not allowed to write passes for this purpose. 6. Students on the failing list will not be granted study hall privileges. These students may, however, receive extra academic help or utilize the library by obtaining a pass from another teacher. This is to be done well in advance of the study hall.
TELEPHONE USE The phone designated for student use is located in the High School Office, may be used to call parents or guardians during study halls or lunch only if you obtain a pass from your teacher and then report to the office to obtain permission. Please limit your calls to 2 minutes in length. The office work phones are not available for student use unless there is an emergency situation.
VISITORS ● Must sign in at the office upon entering the building. ● Will be asked for ID when you enter the building. ● You must wear an ID sticker or badge while in the building for your visit.
Health Services
All students in grades 2, 4, 7, 10, new entrants and all sports participants are required by the New York State Education Dept. to have a school conducted physical. If you do not want your child to receive a physical at school, you must notify the LCS Health Office in writing by October 1st. The Health Office staff will then send you the physical forms that need to be completed by your family care provider by October 1st. This form is also located on our school website. It is then the parent’s responsibility to see that the physical is completed. If the child’s forms are not returned by October 1st, the physical will be completed at school as scheduled. Annual medical examinations are also given to each student prior to participating in extracurricular sports. A school-conducted physical is a generalized assessment of your child. It includes an assessment of general appearance, hair and scalp, skin, lymph glands, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck, cardiovascular, chest, lungs, abdomen, genitalia (boys), musculoskeletal, and neurological. Student health appraisals serve multiple purposes.
Among the purposes served are to:
✏ Make an appropriate appraisal of the child’s current health status.
✏ Provide information of value to the child, the parents, and school personnel, which will determine the child’s fitness to participate in the school program.
✏ Discover any health problems, which require further investigation and treatment, if such is indicated.
✏ Provide an opportunity to counsel the child and the parents concerning any health problems or conditions detected.
✏ Provide a valuable and positive health experience for the child.
BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) – NEW REQUIREMENTS In 2007, the New York State Legislature amended current law requiring schools to include an assessment of each child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and a determination of weight status category. This year each student’s health examination conducted at school entry, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and in grades 2, 4, 7 and 10, is required to include BMI measurement and a determination of weight status. A student is weighed and his/her height is measured. These numbers are used to figure out the student’s body mass index or ‘BMI’. The BMI helps the doctor or nurse know if the student’s weight is in a healthy range or is too high or too low. New York State Education Law requires that BMI and weight status groups be included as part of the student’s school health examination. A sample of school districts will be selected to take part in a survey by the New York State Department of Health. If our school is selected to be part of the survey, we will be reporting to the New York State Department of Health information about our students’ weight status groups. Only summary information is sent. No names and no information about individual students are sent. However, you may choose to have your child’s information excluded from this survey report. If you wish for your child’s weight status information to be excluded from the district’s report please provide written notification to the school nurses. If you have any questions regarding the school health program, feel free to contact the Letchworth Central School Health Office at 493-5999, Ext. 7149.
CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL The following protocol has been established in accordance with the National Federation of State High School Associations and the International Conference on Concussion in Sport, Prague 2004. It is imperative to remember the safety of the student is the primary concern of LCS and its medical personnel. The information contained below is to be used as a guideline and implemented in the time following a concussive event. This information is not to be considered as all inclusive or all encompassing. When a student shows signs or symptoms of a concussion or is suspected to have sustained a brain injury after an evaluation by a coach or medical personnel at the time or thereafter the time of incident. A) The student will not be allowed to return to play/activity in the current game or practice and will notify a parent as soon as possible. B) The student should not be left alone, and regular monitoring for deterioration is essential over the initial few hours following injury. C) Following the initial injury, the student must follow up with their Primary Care Physician or by an Emergency Department within the first 24 hours. D) Return to play must follow a medical clearance and successful completion of the “Return to Play Protocol.” E) The school district has final determination for students to return to play status.
The cornerstone to proper concussion management is rest until all symptoms resolve and then the student will be tested through our concussion management computer program, ImPACT. If the student’s test results are all within the norm of their baseline test, the student will then follow the Protocol. The six steps involved with the Return to Play Protocol are: 1. No physical exertion until asymptomatic 2. Light aerobic exercise such as walking or stationary bike, etc. (20-30 min). No resistance training. 3. Sport/activity specific drills and exercise such as running. Progressive addition of resistance training may begin. 20-30 minutes and raising the heart rate considerably. 4. Non-contact training/drills. 5. Following day, the ImPACT Post Injury Test. 6. Full contact training in practice setting. 7. Return to competition. If any concussion symptoms reoccur, the athlete should drop back to the previous level and try to progress after 24 hours of rest. In addition, the student-athlete should be monitored for recurrence of symptoms due to mental exertion, such as reading, working on a computer or taking a test.
STATE REQUIRED HEALTH SCREENINGS *Scoliosis, Vision, and Hearing Screenings will be waived in the 2020 school year due to the COVID-19 crisis, unless such screening has been deemed necessary, pursuant to an amendment to Commissioner’s Regulations section 136.3(e)*
MEDICATION All medication consumed in the school setting (including prescription as well as non-prescription medication) must be maintained and administered by our school nurse. If your child’s schedule varies due to a field trip or out of school activity, you will be requested to fill out a form giving permission for the teacher to administer a doctor prescribed medication during that time. Prescription medication to be administered at school must be delivered to the health office by an adult. Students may not transport medication to and from school. Medication must be accompanied with complete instructions for administration (written and signed by the prescribing provider). In addition, parent/guardian must also provide written permission. Written permission from a doctor is required for the nurse to provide non-prescription medication (Tylenol, Tums, Cough Drops, or topical medications like Neosporin etc.). These items must be provided to the health office by the parent in the original un-opened container. Forms for the administration of medication at school may be obtained in the health office.
PHYSICALS All students in grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, new entrants and all sports participants are required by the New York State Education Department to have a school conducted physical. If you do not want your child to receive a physical at school, you must notify the LCS Health Office in writing by Sept. 18, 2024 . It is then the parent’s responsibility to see that the physical is completed. Please fax the completed form to 585-493-2536. If the child’s forms are not returned, the physical will be completed at school as scheduled. Annual medical examinations are also given to each student prior to participating in extracurricular sports. Scoliosis screening is required for males in grade 9 and females in grades 5 and 7. This is done semi-annually by the physical education staff with referrals to the school Health Office and Wyoming County Community Hospital as necessary. Hearing and vision tests are also conducted annually per required grade level deemed by New York State. A school-conducted physical is a generalized assessment of your child. It includes an assessment of general appearance, hair and scalp, skin, lymph glands, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, neck, cardiovascular, chest, lungs, abdomen, genitalia (boys), musculoskeletal, and neurological. Student health appraisals serve multiple purposes. Among the purposes served are to: ✓ Make an appropriate appraisal of the child’s current health status. ✓ Provide information of value to the child, the parents, and school personnel, which will determine the child’s fitness to participate in the school program. ✓ Discover any health problems, which require further investigation and treatment, if such is indicated. ✓ Provide an opportunity to counsel the child and the parents concerning any health problems or conditions detected. ✓ Provide a valuable and positive health experience for the child If you have any questions regarding the school health program, feel free to contact the Letchworth Central School Health Office at 493-3520.
STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE The school is not required to offer student accident insurance however, as assistance to families, the Board of Education does purchase a “scheduled insurance” which provides MINIMAL coverage. Families are responsible for paying bills resulting from student accidents. If the family insurance plan does not completely cover the medical bills, the school’s insurance will help as “scheduled” for each type of accident. If you have questions about student accident insurance coverage, please call our insurance agent, Harts Insurance, in Perry at 237-2126 or the School Health Office at 493-3520.
SEIZURES – POOL SAFETY Epileptic Seizures – Any student suffering from seizures must have their physician and parents complete the “Recommendation for Swimming Instruction Participation with Seizure Disorder” form (available at Health Office) no sooner than five weeks and no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled swimming block. To best ensure our students’ safety, students should be seizure free for a 9 – 12 month timeframe before requesting permission to participate in water/swimming activities.
Media Center
Students may come to the Media Center with a pass from study hall for the entire period. All students are expected to bring enough work or study materials to last at least three quarters of the period. Students may come to do research, homework, check out materials or just relax and read. Those students failing two or more classes may be asked for a pre-signed pass from a classroom teacher to work on a specific assignment from that teacher. The number of students that can come from any study hall may be limited if there are multiple study halls during that period or if there is a class scheduled to use the Media Center during that time of day.
Media Center Website The Media Center’s web page is designed to provide easy access to the school’s eBooks, audio eBooks, databases, Page Turner information, titles recommended by the American Library Association, citation assistance and other resources. Our website is a great way to see what is new in the Media Center. Go to http://www.letchworth.k12.ny.us, click on Departments and then down to the “Media Centers” link in the drop down menu, and then click on “MS/HS Media Center” link.
Interlibrary Loan The Media Center can request materials from other local school libraries for student use. Allow a few weeks when requesting materials through interlibrary loan. Please visit the library to arrange an Interlibrary Loan transaction. All students are financially responsible for any Interlibrary Loan books checked out under their name that are not returned.
Checking out Books
● 5 th and 6 th grade students may check out 4 books for a period of 2 weeks.
● 7 th – 12th grade students have no limit to how many books they may check out for a period of 2 weeks
● 5 th – 12th grade students may check out 4 eBooks for a loan period of 2 weeks
Books may be renewed up to two additional times if more time is needed. Please return your books on time as there are others waiting for them. Students with books that are more than a month overdue may, at the discretion of the library staff, be limited to one book for a specific class assignment or may have their library books held until they return the late books or pay for replacement of the material. All students are financially responsible for any unreturned library books checked out under their name.
Magazines There are a variety of magazines for your use within the Media Center. Older copies are available to be checked out. You may also request a copy of a particular article for school work.
Student Attendance
Letchworth Central School believes that excellent attendance in school correlates to high academic achievement. Therefore, we are committed to expecting students to attend classes on a regular basis as follows.
A student must be in attendance 87% of the assigned class periods in order to earn academic credit for a course. New York State School Attendance Policies must distinguish between excused and unexcused absences for the purpose of accurate attendance record keeping. Examples of excused absences include (but are not limited to):
Student Transportation
BUS RULES / DISCIPLINE Parents are reminded that the bus driver’s major responsibility is to safely transport students to and from school. It should be strongly impressed upon the students that they have a major responsibility to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion while in transport and while waiting for or leaving the buses. Our bus drivers are noted for their driving skill, kindness, empathy and reliability. They routinely attend in-service training sessions to upgrade their driving and student management techniques. A high priority will be established again this year to deal with school bus safety/discipline. The Board’s policy is developed with the concept that riding the school bus is a privilege and a student who has a discipline problem on the bus is endangering other students’ lives while in transit. For your safe transport to and from school the following rules are established:
1. Respect and obey your bus drivers. Please do not distract them.
2. Be on time for your bus. Try to arrive no earlier than 5 to 10 minutes before the designated pick up time.
3. Wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the road.
4. Cross in front of the bus when entering and leaving.
5. Remain in your seat when the bus is in motion, talk in a low tone, and sit in a mannerly fashion.
6. Sit in the specific seat assigned by your driver.
7. No food or drink allowed on the regular school bus runs.
8. Know where safety equipment is located.
9. Keep your hands and arms and all objects inside the bus.
10. Nothing is to be thrown in or from the bus.
11. To improve efficiency and safety, students will only be allowed to ride their assigned bus.
12. Only small personal audio equipment with headphones will be permitted on the bus
13. Smoking is not allowed on any bus.
14. Any articles brought on the bus by passengers must be small enough to be held on the passenger’s lap. No glass or other containers holding live animals will be allowed on the bus.
15. Knives and other dangerous items are prohibited.
Order and proper conduct are essential and improper conduct will result in disciplinary action. Discipline referrals will be strictly dealt with by the building principal in accordance with established school discipline policy. School will start at 7:50 a.m. for grades K-4. Buses will arrive between 7:35 and 7:45 a.m. All students should report to their classroom teachers as assigned.
School will start at 8:35 for grades 5-12. Buses will arrive between 8:35 and 8:45 am. Students should be ready 10 minutes before their approximate scheduled pickup.
If you have any questions please feel free to call:
Mr. Paul Rogers, 9-12 Principal 493-2571 (9-12 issues)
Mrs. Amy Leone, 5-8 Principal 493-2592 (5-8 issues)
Mrs. Rachel Webster, Pre K-4 Principal 493-2581 (Pre K-4 issues)
BUS PICK-UP & DROP OFF PROCEDURES Our school district regularly transports a vast majority of our 1,000 students. The transportation service has expanded over the years in an attempt to accommodate the many requests for rides to and from locations other than the home. These increased requests have caused a number of problems and concerns for the districts and our students including the following: safety and liability issues, over-loading problems, changes in bus route schedules, confusion over which bus certain children are assigned, serious difficulty for substitute drivers and a large amount of personnel time handling the ever increasing number of requests for changes. In addition, we have consolidated several routes in order to be as efficient and cost effective as possible.
By bringing greater uniformity and continuity to our transportation procedures, we will have a better chance of keeping our students safe, while at the same time, addressing several concerns. Parents and guardians will provide only one pickup and only one drop off address. These may both be the same or may be two different addresses. For example, a student may be picked up at home and dropped off at a childcare provider. Both addresses must be within the boundaries of the school district. We will not pick up or bus students to any other addresses but the two provided us. (The district will not transport students to social functions such as parties, overnights, or youth group activities, i.e. Cub, Boy, or Girl Scouts, etc.)
Should you wish a permanent change in either of the two addresses, we will make those changes upon written notification to the appropriate office. The request must be received two days prior to the requested change. Phone calls requesting changes will not be accepted; requests for changes must be made in writing. Bus drivers are not authorized to allow students who are not regular riders onto their buses without a bus pass signed by office personnel.
PARENT DROP OFF AND PICK UP Middle school and high school students who are getting dropped off prior to 8:45 should be dropped off in the back bus loop. Students getting dropped off after 8:45, should be dropped in the front parking lot by the MS/HS entrance. Students getting picked up after 8:45 but prior to 3:20 should be picked up in the front parking lot outside the MS/HS entrance. Student pick up after 3:20 is in the back bus loop. There are other districts that use our front parking lot for drop off and pick up. It is hazardous to have cars pulling in and out during these times
STUDENT/ATHLETE TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURE All athletes are expected to follow the general school policy pertaining to bus transportation to and from away athletic activities. Please note the following regulations pertaining to transportation of students to and from away athletic events.
1. Students must ride the bus to and from the away athletic events unless arrangements have been made in advance to do otherwise. Students may ride home from an away event with the parent upon request from the parent, or may ride with an immediate member of the family 18 years of age or older. Parent/guardian or family member over 18 must sign and date the player/parent sign out sheet in the presence of the coach before leaving the event.
2. Students wishing to ride with a parent/guardian of a teammate, must obtain written permission from both the parent/guardian and the adult driver. A written note must be cleared through the building principal in advance. The adult driver must sign and date the player/parent sign out sheet in the presence of the Letchworth Central School coach before leaving the event.
3. Students should get off the bus in their home community or at the high school when the bus is scheduled to return to the school. If a student wishes to get off the bus at a stop other than the home community or the school, arrangements must be made in advance by way of written request from the parent to the principal.
Technology Use
INTRODUCTION The Letchworth Central School District has established this 1:1 Chromebook Program to supplement our educational curriculum and to prepare our students for their own use of technology in the future. We believe this program will enhance the educational opportunities available to our students and also prepare our students for their future. Technology will, undoubtedly, be a part of our students’ lives – whether in further academic pursuits after high school, workplace, or both! Learning results from the continuous dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents and the extended community. However, technology use does not diminish the vital role of our teachers. To the contrary, it provides the teacher with additional “tools” to stimulate learning and student growth. The chromebook program integrates technology into the curriculum anytime, anyplace. The policies, procedures and information within this document apply to all chromebooks used at the District, including any other device considered by the Administration to come under this procedure. Teachers may set additional requirements for chromebook use in their classroom. Use of the District’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The privilege of using the technology resources provided by the District is not transferable or extendable by students and to people or groups outside the District and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled in the District.
Chromebook Distribution and Collection
A. District Distribution of Chromebooks to Students Students will attend a District-sponsored training session, which will be scheduled during school hours. Students and parents should sign the district technology use agreement to indicate they have read and understand the agreement.
B. Returning District Chromebook Chromebooks will be returned during a chromebook check-in day, which will be established by the District. If a student transfers out of the District during the school year, the chromebook must be returned at the time of transfer. If your chromebook, any accessories, and/or AC power adapter has been damaged or defaced, you will be fined respectively for the damage at the end of the year during student chromebook check-in or when transferring to another district. If a student chromebook is not returned during year-end check-in or upon transferring out of District, the administration will be in charge of recovering the District’s property. If the administration is not successful, this matter will be turned over to local law enforcement and the student’s grade reports/transcripts will be withheld.
Taking Care of the District’s Chromebook Students are responsible for the general care of the chromebook they have been issued by the District. Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the building level office.
A. General Chromebook Precautions
● No food or drink is allowed next to a District chromebook. Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into the chromebook.
● Students should never carry their chromebooks while the screen is open, unless directed to do so by a teacher.
● Chromebooks should be shut down before moving them to conserve battery life.
● Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not the property of the District. ● Chromebooks must never be left in an unlocked car or any unsupervised area.
● Students are responsible for keeping the chromebooks battery charged for school each day.
● Students may use “skins” on the monitor cover to “personalize” their chromebooks.
B. Taking Care of the Chromebook Screen The chromebooks screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen.
● Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth or anti-static cloth.
Using the Chromebook at School Chromebooks are intended for use at school each day. In addition to teacher expectations for chromebook use, school messages, announcements, calendars and schedules may be accessed using the chromebook computer. Students are responsible for bringing their chromebook to all classes, unless specifically instructed not to do so by their teacher.
A. Chromebook Malfunctioning If the 1:1 chromebook is not functioning properly, students should take the chromebook to the building level office. Loaner chromebooks may be issued to students when they leave their chromebooks for repair at the office.
B. Sound, Music, Games, or Programs
● Sound must be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
● Internet Games are not allowed on the chromebooks during school hours. NO Apps may be installed on the chromebooks, unless installed by the District.
● Data storage space will be available on the chromebook – BUT it will not be backed up in case of re-imaging.
C. Accessing the Internet Off Campus Students are allowed to access the Internet when off-campus for educationally-related activities. When accessing the Internet – whether on-campus or off-campus – the chromebooks internet access will continue to be filtered through the District’s internet filter. Students are prohibited from altering this in any way.
A. Originally Installed Software The software originally installed by the District must remain on the chromebook in usable condition and be easily accessible at all times. From time to time the District may add software applications for use in a particular course. The licenses for this software may require that the software be deleted from chromebooks at the completion of the course. Periodic checks of chromebooks will be made to ensure that students have deleted software that is no longer required in class and that the District has not exceeded its licenses.
B. Inspection Students may be selected at random to provide their chromebook for inspection. Students may also be selected upon reasonable suspicion by an administrator of a violation of this chromebook handbook and required to provide the chromebook for inspection.
C. Reloading Software If technical difficulties occur or illegal software is discovered, the chromebook will then be re-formatted or re-imaged by a technician. Authorized software will be installed and the data files reinstated. The District does not accept responsibility for the loss of any software/student work deleted due to a reformat and reimage.
D. Software Upgrades Upgrade versions of licensed software are available from time to time. Students may be required to check in their chromebooks for periodic updates.
Protecting and Storing Your Chromebook Computer
A. Chromebook Identification Student chromebooks will be labeled in the manner specified by the District. Chromebooks can be identified in the following ways: Record of serial number, Chromebook Name, and Student’s Name
B. Loss or Theft Report Lost or potentially stolen chromebooks immediately to the building level office.
Insurance, Warranty and Replacement Cost
A. Warranty The short-term warranty protects the chromebooks from defects in materials and workmanship only. The warranty does not warrant against damage caused by misuse, abuse, accidents or computer viruses. Please report all chromebook problems/damage to the building level office.
B. School District Insurance School District Insurance will not cover damage, loss, or theft of chromebooks, carrying cases, or power cords.
C. Damage and Replacement Costs Students must report all chromebook problems/damage to each school’s main office. Students will be responsible for ALL damage resulting from abuse including, but not limited to, broken screens, hinges, etc. that is not covered by warranty. Students will be charged a fee equal to the cost of damaged parts in instances of chromebook damage that is determined by the District to be the cause of intentional damage or being negligent with the use and care of the chromebook. Lost items such as carrying cases, cords and batteries will be charged the actual replacement cost.
D.Personal Insurance Protection Students or parents may wish to carry their own personal insurance to protect the chromebook in cases of theft, loss, or accidental damage by fire. Please consult with your own personal insurance agent for details about your personal coverage of the chromebook computer.
Technical Support
The building offices will coordinate the repair work for chromebooks. Services provided include the following:
● Hardware maintenance and repairs ● Password identification ● User account support ● Operating system or software configuration support ● Application information ● Re-imaging hard drives ● Updates and software installations ● Coordination of warranty repairs ● Distribution of loaner chromebooks
Student use of District Technology
A. Computer Chromebook Violations: Computer chromebooks and their appropriate use are covered in the District’s Computer Use Agreement and Code of Conduct.
Acceptable Use of 1:1 Devices The District is pleased to be able to offer access to District chromebooks (which provide the necessary programs required by classes) and the District network (which provides access to electronic mail), the student data storage, and the Internet). To gain access to these District resources, students and parents must sign and return the Chromebook Use Agreement form included in this handbook. Many responsibilities and rules are involved with the use of District chromebooks, Internet access, and access to District technology. Review, monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via the District owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources.
TECHNOLOGY USERS CODE OF ETHICS The use of technology at Letchworth Central is very much encouraged. Anyone who wishes to use technology has the responsibility of doing so in an ethical and legal manner. As a condition for the use of computers, chromebooks, and other technologies at Letchworth Central, users (defined as any student, teacher, administrator, staff member or community member utilizing a district computer) are expected to:
A. Respect the privacy of others. ● Users will not share their passwords with other users. ● Users will not try to learn passwords of other users or network administrators. ● Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to networked or stand-alone systems. ● Users will not modify or read files of other individuals.
B. Respect the integrity of the Letchworth Central Schools network. ● Users will not intentionally develop or use programs to harass others or damage the system/network. ● Users will not intentionally send inappropriate messages/mail to others. ● Users will not copy or modify server or network system files. ● Users will not abuse computer/network hardware (i.e. mice, keyboards, etc.)
C. Respect the copyright of all software developers. ● Users will not make copies of licensed programs as it is in violation of U.S. Copyright laws. Violation of this code of ethics may result in the loss of computer privileges in all classes, as well as school disciplinary action and/or legal proceedings.
Student/Parent Agreement:
● I will bring my issued device to school EVERY day that I am in attendance.
● I will not use the issued device for non-academic purposes (games, downloads, chat rooms, instant messaging, viewing websites not related to the assignment, etc.) during the school day (8:00 am-until 1:55 PM for grades 5 and 6, and 3:10 for grades 7 and 8. ).
● I will charge the issued chromebooks battery whenever necessary so that it will be fully charged for school use and will NOT loan out the chromebook, power adapter, or cords, to other individuals, and know that I will be issued the same chromebook each year.
● I will keep the issued chromebook off the floor where it could be stepped on or tripped over. I will keep food and beverages away from the chromebook since they may cause damage to the chromebook.
● I will not disassemble any part of my issued chromebook or attempt any repairs.
● I will not deface the issued chromebook or the chromebook bag in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, attaching stickers, marking painting, drawing or marking any surface of the chromebook or bag.
● I understand that obscene language and/or materials, including music, screensavers, backdrops, and/or pictures are prohibited.
● I understand that my chromebook is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the district.
● When students are not using their chromebooks, they should be stored in their lockers. Students are responsible for ensuring their lockers are locked when the student is not at his/her locker. Students should not provide locker combination numbers to any other student(s) or leave a locker unlocked.
● When stored in the locker nothing should be placed on top of the chromebook. Students are encouraged to take their chromebooks home unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. Chromebooks should not be stored in a student’s vehicle.
● I will follow the expectations outlined in the Technology Use Agreement and the District’s Code of Conduct. As such, the student is subject to all discipline measures for violation of the same.