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McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

New York's Education for Homeless Children and Youth program provides support to ensure that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate, public education - including public preschool - provided to other New York children, with the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content and student performance standards. Every school district, BOCES and charter school is required to have an LEA liaison whose duties include the removal of barriers to the enrollment, attendance and success of homeless children and youth in school.

Liaison Contact Information

Michelle Bergmann

Michelle Bergmann

Director of Curriculum & Instruction
District Office

Is Your Housing Uncertain?

First page of the PDF file: EnglishNYSTEACHSPoster11x14incleaned

Are you living 

  • with relatives, friends, or others because you lost your housing or because of economic hardship?
  • In a shelter?
  • In a motel or hotel because you have nowhere else to go?
  • In inadequate housing?

If so you may be protected under the McKinney-Vento Act. 

Contact Michelle Bergmann for more information.

Is Your Housing Uncertain?

First page of the PDF file: nysteachs-Brochure-English-2023
Do you live at a temporary address?
Is your housing uncertain?
Call Toll Free (800) 388-2014
NYS Coordinator for Homeless Education: Melanie Faby
Early Childhood Services: To contact the Center in your area, call (518) 486-7462
Runaway or Homeless Youth: (800) RUNAWAY or (800) 786-2929
Housing: Information about eviction prevention and public housing contact NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance at (518) 473-1090.
Domestic Violence Hotline:
800-621-HOPE(4673) - NYC residents
Additional F.A.Q
  • Where can I get help?
  • Can a school require a student in temporary housing to show proof of residence to register for school
  • Can a student who is living in temporary housing stay in the same school if they move out of the district?
  • Can a student enroll themselves in school?
  • What if a school doesn't enroll a student or provide busing because the district doesn't believe the student is homeless?
  • If a student moves into permanent housing can they stay in the same school?