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NYS Parent Brochure

Letchworth Central Schools have moved into the implementation phase of the Next Generation Learning Standards, which replaces the Common Core from years past. For more information about what this means for children in terms of what's being learned, how it's being taught, and how we will assess our learning, please see the document to your right for details. 

3-8 ELA Assessments: April 10 - 12, 2024  
3-8 MATH Assessments: May 7 - 9, 2024   
Grades 5 & 8 Science Testing:  May 14 - 15, 2024

For the NYS School Report Card, please visit for the latest information on Letchworth CSD.  To contact the Curriculum Director - Michelle Bergmann with questions regarding NYS Standards & Curriculum, NYS Assessments, homeschool information, McKinney-Vento Homeless Act, or any other concerns, feel free to email or call the Curriculum Office at (585) 493-3513.

The below information can be found at:

What are the Next Generation Learning Standards?
The Next Generation Learning Standards are the educational goals for all of New York State’s students from prekindergarten through grade 12 in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Why were the standards revised?
The standards were revised to ensure they are appropriate for students’ grade levels and reflect what students should know and be able to do in math and ELA.

When will the Next Generation Standards be implemented?
Full implementation of the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards begins during the 2022-2023 school year for prekindergarten through grade 8. The implementation timeline can be found at

How will the standards be assessed?
While teachers assess standards daily in their classrooms, students will also be assessed on the Next Generation Learning Standards beginning in spring of 2023 on the Grades 3-8 New York State ELA and Mathematics Assessments.

How can I learn more?
You can learn more about the Next Generation ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards by talking to your child’s teacher or visiting

Next Generation Learning Standards Logo

Standards and My Child’s Classroom Learning

(What do we need to learn?)
Standards are:
  • goals for New York State students
  • organized by subjects and grade levels
  • the learning intended to be accomplished by the end of a specific school year
  • approved by the New York State Board of Regents

(What are we learning?)
Curriculum is:
  • the content, concepts and skills students will learn to enable them to meet the standards
  • determined by individual school districts

(How are we learning?)
Instruction is:
  • the approaches and strategies an educator chooses to teach the curriculum
  • based on the needs of students
  • determined by classroom teachers and district

(What have we learned? What should we do next?)
Instruction is:
  • are processes used to learn about student progress
  • guide and inform teaching
  • are determined by local districts and/or teachers, as well as New York State
    • NYS administers:
      • ELA & Math Assessments in Grades 3-8
      • Science Assessments in Grades 4&8
      • Regents Examinations
      • English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT)
      • Alternate Assessment (NYSAA)

NYS Next Generation Learning Standards Document

First page of the PDF file: NYSParentBrochure

If interested in seeing the PDF please be sure to click on the document to view.