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Professional Development & Learning Plan

Professional Development

Frontline Log-In  (Log-In to access Frontline Professional Growth Application)

District PD Catalog (Direct access to Professional Development opportunities for the LCS faculty and staff)

First page of the PDF file: PDP2023-25ProfessionalLearningPlan2
Professional Development Plan (Professional Learning Plan)
NOTATION: All references to Superintendent’s Conference Days for the 23-24 school year should be considered as August 29 and 31; October 6; November 21; January 26 and March 8. Faculty meetings are held monthly at each building level. 
NOTATION: Related to ALL professional development opportunities: LCS utilizes FRONTLINE for tracking all
professional development opportunities and hours for administrative, faculty and support staff. The secretary to the
Director of Curriculum and Instruction is responsible for the oversight of and logging of all PD hours. The Director of
Curriculum and Instruction, Building Level Principals and the Superintendent may assign and approve additional PD
hours outside of the district plan when deemed appropriate; and verify hours of attendance . CTLE sponsors are required
to provide proof of attendance for hours logged outside of district-provided PD and shall maintain records of attendance for a minimum of 8 years.
NOTATION: Our Mentor program has been approved by GV BOCES. Monthly meetings are scheduled for professional
development and dialogue and are logged by the secretary to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction Additional hours
are tracked by mentors/mentees and are approved by administrators in FRONTLINE. Mentors may log and be approved for up to 30 hours in a five-year period.
NOTATION: Teachers acting as approved mentors to teacher candidates may log up to 25 hours in a 5 year period with
the approval of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.
NOTATION: LCS will collect CTLE verification from approved sponsors of CTLE and will log such approved hours in
NOTATION: All PD hours will be verified, credited and logged in FRONTLINE and will be available for verification for a
minimum of 8 years beyond the date of provision of PD.
NOTATION: A certificate of completion is available for all approved PD opportunities through FRONTLINE. See
NOTATION: External providers may include but are not limited to: BERI (Bureau for Educational Research Institute),
NOTATION: Administrators, Teachers, and Teacher Assistants are responsible for maintaining their certification and ensure that they meet the requirements for Professional Development hours. The District will provide ample Professional Development opportunities to meet these requirements every 5 years.
NOTATION: Evaluators/Supervisors (administrators) participate in annual training in Educational Evaluation using the Danielson Rubric by staff developers at GV BOCES.
Goal 1: Promote and create professional development opportunities for instructional staff and support personnel focused on improving student learning outcomes and student achievement results in a supportive environment for all learners. 
Objective 1.1: Train instructional leaders and PK - 12 instructional staff in research-based methods for
differentiating instruction and inclusion practices to meet the academic and social needs of all students, including those with disabilities and English Language Learners (waiver of language acquisition requirements has been granted by NYSED).
Essential Question(s): How can we better understand, effectively collect data and create positive
learning experiences for all students?
Strategies & Activities
►Provide multiple trainings regarding disabilities, data-driven instruction and other related topics for instructional
leaders and staff
►Develop processes to ensure instructional decisions are made based on accurate and appropriate data collection and
►Assist with and/or facilitate team training on targeted interventions (including enrichment  opportunities) appropriate to students’ needs, strengths and developmental levels.
Action Plan:
See chart in PDF (Page 3 - 7)
NYS PD Standards Addressed:
Standard 1 - Designing Professional Development
Standard 2 - Content Knowledge & Quality Teaching Standard 3 - Research-based Professional Learning Standard 4 - Collaboration
Standard 5 - Diverse Learning
Standard 8 - Data-driven Professional Practice
Objective 1.2: Train instructional leaders and PK-12 instructional staff on research-based processes for prioritizing academic interventions as a means to support diverse learning needs and meet deficiencies in mathematics and ELA across all grade levels and buildings.
Essential Question(s): What systems and resources are available that, used with integrity and consistency, will best support academic intervention for all students?
Strategies & Activities
►Audit the current intervention programs for usage, effectiveness and research to determine renewal/new subscriptions for the 2023-25 school years and beyond ►Collaborate across grade-level teams to evaluate student achievement data and make determinations about necessary interventions and academic goals
►Develop an effective and appropriate data collection tool that is consistent across grade levels/buildings to support long-term progress monitoring of student achievement
 Action Plan:
See chart in PDF (Page 8 - 12)
NYS PD Standards Addressed:
Standard 1 - Designing Professional Development
Standard 2 - Content Knowledge & Quality Teaching Standard 3 - Research-based Professional Learning Standard 4 - Collaboration Standard 5 - Diverse Learning Standard 6 - Student Learning Environments
Standard 8 - Data-driven Professional Practice
Standard 10 - Evaluation
Goal 2: Assist in, lead and/or facilitate the alignment of core academic courses and NYS Standards for Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science and Social Studies with course offerings in STEM fields of study in an effort to provide students with accredited CTE graduation pathways.
Objective 2.1: Identify opportunities for Core-CTE partnerships and train 7-12 instructional staff to “crosswalk” prioritized standards in order to create and implement a high quality, collaborative curriculum and assessment system.
Essential Question(s): What professional development, implementation and evaluation strategies will instructional staff need in order to create a viable and accredited CTE course?
Strategies & Activities:
►Provide multiple trainings regarding the prioritization of NYS Standards for instructional leaders and staff
►Create professional learning opportunities for instructional leaders and staff to explore various co-teaching models, develop appropriate curriculum for blended courses, and assist with evaluation and feedback procedures for before and after implementation
 Action Plan:
See chart in PDF (Page 13-17)
NYS PD Standards Addressed:
Standard 1 - Designing Professional Development
Standard 2 - Content Knowledge & Quality Teaching
Standard 3 - Research-based Professional Learning Standard 4 - Collaboration
Standard 5 - Diverse Learning
Standard 6 - Student Learning Environments
Standard 8 - Data-driven Professional Practice
Standard 9 - Technology
Standard 10 - Evaluation
SAMPLE Certificate of completion of PD hours:
See page 19 of pdf document