2024 - 2025 Annual Meeting and Election Notice
Town of Gainesville, Counties of Wyoming & Allegany, New York
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Letchworth Central School District, Wyoming & Allegany
Counties, Gainesville, New York, will hold a public hearing at Letchworth Central School, High School Cafeteria, on May
13, 2024, at 7:30 PM prevailing time for the presentation of the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year. Copies of the proposed budget with required attachments will be available for review by District residents beginning on May 7, 2024 at the District Office, the four local public libraries and online at www.letchworth.k12.ny.us / District / Business Office.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that the Annual Budget Vote and District Election will be held at Letchworth Central School
on May 21, 2024 between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 9:00 PM prevailing time in the Auditorium Lobby at Letchworth
Central School, at which time the polls will be opened to vote upon the following:
1. To adopt the annual budget of the School District for the fiscal year 2024-2025 and to authorize the requisite portion thereof to be raised by taxation on the taxable property of the District.
2. To elect three (3) members of the Board of Education for a three (3) year term commencing July 1, 2024 and expiring on June 30, 2027 and to succeed: William Kuipers, Mark Miller, Steve Youngers, whose terms expire on June 30, 2024.
3. Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit: RESOLVED THAT the Board of Education of the Letchworth Central School District shall be authorized to expend funds from the 2015 Maintenance Vehicles/Equipment Reserve Fund, established by the voters on May 19, 2015 under Section 3651 of Education Law, for the purchase of one (1) - one-ton truck with dump body and one (1) - Rough Terrain Vehicle with power steering, GPS painter
and related accessories; not to exceed the total sum of $149,000.00.
4. Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit: Resolved that the Board of Education of the Letchworth Central School District shall be authorized to expend funds from the 2017 Transportation Vehicles Capital Reserve Fund, established by the voters on May 16, 2017 under Section 3651 of Education Law, for the purchase of one (1) new Chevrolet Suburban not to exceed the sum of 72,668.00.
5. Shall the amount of funds raised by taxation to support the four public libraries in the Letchworth Central School District be increased from $220,307.94 to $230,741.94 the increased amount to be distributed as followed: $35,392.33 to the Eagle Free Library, Bliss; $81,215.00 to the Cordelia A. Greene Library, Castile; $66,360.60 to the Gainesville Public Library, Silver Springs; and $47,774.01 to the Pike Library Association, Pike.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education shall be filed with the District Clerk during normal working hours, and not later than 5:00 PM on April 22, 2024. Each petition shall be directed to the District Clerk, shall be signed by at least 25 voters of the District, and must state the name and residence of the candidate. The candidates who receive a plurality of the votes cast respectively for the three (3) offices are to be declared elected.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that applications for early mail and absentee ballots may be obtained at the Office of the District
Clerk or by calling the District Clerk 585-493-5450. Completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter at the Office of the District Clerk. Early mail and absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 PM, on May 21, 2024. A list of persons to whom early mail and absentee ballots have been issued will be available for inspection in the office of the District Clerk between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM between May 15, 2024 and May 20, 2024, except Saturday, May 18, 2024, by prearranged appointment only, and said list will be available at the polling place at the election.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that Military voters, as defined by Commissioner’s regulation Part 122, who are qualified voters
of the District, may apply for a military ballot during school business hours at the office of the District Clerk in person or
by mail at Letchworth Central School District, 5550 School Rd., Gainesville, NY 14066, phone (585) 493-5450, or by email ewolfer@letchworth.k12.ny.us. A military voter may designate a preference to receive a military ballot application by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such application. Completed applications for military ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 25, 2024. Ballots for military voters shall be mailed, or otherwise distributed, no later than 25 days prior to the election. Completed military ballots must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 PM, on May 21, 2024.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that the qualified voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote on said Annual Budget Vote and District Election. A qualified voter is one who is (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) resident within the School district for a period of thirty (30) days preceding the annual vote and election. The School District may require all persons offering to vote to provide one form of proof of residency pursuant to Education Law 2018-c. Such form may include a driver’s license, a non-driver identification card, a utility bill or a voter registration card. Upon offer of proof of residency, the School District shall also require all persons offering to vote to provide their signature, printed name and address.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that pursuant to a rule adopted by the Board of Education in accordance with §2035 and 2008
of the Education Law, and referenda or propositions to amend the budget, otherwise to be submitted for voting at said election, must be filed with the Letchworth Board of Education at the District Office on or before 5:00 PM on April 22, 2024, must be typed or printed in English, must be directed to the Clerk of the School District, and be signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the District and must state the name and residence of each signer. However, the School Board will not entertain any petition to place before the voters any proposition the purpose of which is not within the powers of the voters to determine, or any proposition which fails to include a specific appropriation where the expenditure of monies is required by the proposition.
Letchworth Central School
Town of Gainesville, County of Wyoming, New York