Budget Newsletter 2018 - 2019
2018-19 Budget Newsletter Highlights:
Superintendent's Message:
As we were developing the 2018- 19 LCS budget proposal we were mindful of the essential need to keep our school safe, continue to be innovative, and improve efficiency. Letchworth has had a long history of a beautiful facility, strong academic programs and a commitment to giving the students of our community a competitive and cost-effective education. This is becoming more difficult to accomplish when you take into consideration rising benefit costs, increased building maintenance, utility costs and fluctuating state aid. However, despite these challenges, I feel that the district and the Board of Education met this goal in the upcoming school budget proposal.
Proud to announce that the 2018-19 proposed school budget includes the following highlights:
- A 0% tax levy increase for our community
- A full-time School Resource Officer (Deputy Sheriff Ivan Carrasquillo)
- A rigorous academic program, including college credit courses with all of our extracurricular opportunities for our students
- An additional School Psychologist to address growing mental health needs
- A full-time staff member dedicated to Project Lead The Way and technology integration at the elementary level (STEAM)
The total proposed budget for 2018-19 is $19,630,994.00. Our budget (2017- 18) to budget (2018-19) increase in expenditures is 2.19%. The expected state aid increase this year is 1.07%. Strong financial planning, efficiency and shared services will make this proposed budget possible for the upcoming school year. The Board of Education and District Administration believe they have created another responsible budget that does not overburden our taxpayers, and continues to maintain many opportunities for our students. Living in a rural community and attending a small school should never limit our students. The school is the hub of our community and the education our students receive is vital to their future employment and career success. I encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
Voting for any three candidates for the Board of Education for a three year term (July 01, 2018 - June 30, 2021):
- Steve Youngers
- William Kuipers
- Mark Miller
Proposition #1 - Budget $19,630,994
Proposition #2 - Establish Capital Reserve Fund
Proposition #3 - Bus Purchase from Transportation Vehicles Reserve
Proposition #4 - Vehicle Purchase from Maintenance Vehicles/Equipment Reserve
Proposition #5 - Library Funding (as received from the libraries)
Public Hearing - Monday, May 7, 2018 @ 7PM - For the purpose of reviewing the 2018 - 2019 budget and to meet the candidates
Vote & Elect Board Members - Tuesday, May 15, 2018 Noon - 9PM
Absentee Ballots are available by contacting the District Clerk.