Spectator Sportsmanship/Expectations Procedure
In conjunction with Section V, the Letchworth Central School District is committed to promoting
the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play at all our events both home and
away. Spectator conduct that is detrimental to the educational value of athletic/extracurricular
activities may be deemed just cause for the school’s reprimand, probation, and/or suspension
from attending future game(s) or event(s).
Spectator Code of Behavior/Ethics: It is the responsibility of the spectator to:
1. Keep cheering positive. There should be no profanity or degrading language or gestures.
2. Avoid actions that offend visiting teams, individual players, and coaches.
3. Show appreciation for good play by both teams.
4. Learn the rules of the game in order to be a better informed spectator.
5. Treat all visiting teams in a manner in which you would expect to be treated.
6. Accept the call/judgment of coaches and officials.
7. Encourage other spectators to participate in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
8. Avoid the use, abuse, and resulting negative influence of drugs, including alcohol and
Violation of the Spectator Code of Behavior Ethics:
Any violation from a spectator that is negative, inappropriate, derogatory comments or actions
that bring direct attention to a supervisor or school administrator by a spectator or group of
spectators are required to be addressed by Letchworth Central School District personnel, the
following non-sequential actions will be taken in response to the comments/behavior:
- First Warning - Directing the spectator or group of spectators to refrain from any negative comments or actions.
- Second Warning - a personal discussion with the spectator or group of spectators about following the above expectations and reminding the spectators or group of spectators of the next step, removal from the game or event, will be utilized if the behavior continues.
- Removal from contest/event - The spectator or group of spectators will be directed to leave the facility for the remainder of the game or event. If the spectators or group of spectators refuse to leave the game or event, play will be stopped until they vacate the premises. Local law enforcement officials may be called.
Penalty for being removed from a game or event: Any spectator removed from a game or event (home or away) by school officials or a referee, will have a minimum penalty of completing the NFHS Parent Credential Course and one game/event suspension. A further one game/event suspension may be added, if deemed necessary. Once the course is completed, the spectator will provide a certificate of completion to the athletic director. The one-game/event suspension will include the next scheduled home or away game/event.