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Player Rules and Regulations


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 Player Regulations and Training Rules

Review Committee for Extracurricular Activities

Concern or Complaint Procedure

Athletic Insurance Consent

We, at Letchworth, are very proud of our athletic program.  Our program has expanded to the point that we offer forty (40) separate athletic teams for student participation.  We also have facilities that are unsurpassed by most of the schools in our area.  Over the years, our athletes, coaches and fans have earned the reputation of being good sports as well as good citizens.  We have been commended many times by being recipients of “good sportsmanship” awards.
Awards of such caliber come from a positive, consistent approach to behavior expectations and discipline.  We would like to inform you of the “Training Regulations” which govern student behavior and outline expectations of our athletes.
We thank you for your continued support and interest in our athletic program.
Tyler King - Director of Athletics

Athletic Training Regulations

It should be recognized that involvement in interscholastic athletics is a privilege.  Athletes are expected to conform to the standards of the District’s Code of Conduct and to demonstrate appropriate behavior that reflects positively on their school and community, in or out of school as well as in or out of sports seasons.   Misconduct may result in disciplinary action or suspension from the athletic program.


Any athlete using or in possession of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or other illegal chemicals using or possessing a lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, electronic cigarette (“e-cigarette” or “e-cig”) or similar devices including but not limited to e-hookahs, hookah pens and vape pens; or using chewing or smokeless tobacco, including dip, chew, and/or snuff, in any form, and all other tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or other illegal chemicals or substances listed in the District’s Code of Conduct off school grounds,  in any school buildings, on school grounds, or in any vehicle used to transport children or personnel in accordance with the Letchworth Central School Code of Conduct is subject to consequences under the following procedure:

  1. First Offense (within one calendar year of the date of the offense)Athlete will be permitted to resume practice with the team, under the following conditions:

  • The athlete will agree to substance abuse screening and counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) by either the family physician or an alternative agency acceptable to the appropriate building principal.  Letchworth Central School will not be responsible for any fees associated with screening or counseling.

  • Athletes will not be permitted to return to practice until screening is scheduled.

  • Once the substance abuse screening is scheduled, the following will be imposed:  

    • For sports with 10 or fewer regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 2 contest suspension.  

    • For sports with 11-14 regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 3 contest suspension.  

    • For sports with 15 or more regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 4 contest suspension.  
      • Athletes with a first offense who do not agree to screening and participation in counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) will be subject to a one calendar year suspension from the date of the offense.
      • Contest suspensions will carry over to the next sport in which the athlete participates within one calendar year.
  1. Second Offense (within one calendar year of the date of the 1st offense)Athlete will be permitted to resume practice with the team under the following conditions:

  • The athlete will agree to substance abuse screening and participation in counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) by either the family physician or an alternative agency acceptable to the appropriate building principal.  Letchworth Central School will not be responsible for any fees associated with screening or counseling. 

  • Athletes will not be permitted to return to practice until screening is scheduled.

  • Once the substance abuse screening is scheduled, the following will be imposed: 

    • For sports with 10 regular season scheduled contests or less, the athlete will serve a 4 contest suspension. 

    • For sports with 11-14 regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve a 6 contest suspension. 

    • For sports with 15 or more regular season scheduled contests, the athlete will serve an 8 contest suspension.

      • Athletes with a first or second offense who do not agree to screening and participation in counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) will be subject to a one calendar year suspension from the date of the offense.
      • Contest suspensions will carry over to the next sport in which the athlete participates within one calendar year.
      • An athlete who is reinstated into the athletic program, then fails to complete counseling will be recommended to the Review Committee for Athletics for gross misconduct.

3. Third Offense (within one calendar year of the date of the 1st offense):

  1. Exclusion from interscholastic participation for one calendar year.

  2. The athlete will agree to screening and counseling (if indicated to be appropriate) by either the family physician or an alternative agency acceptable to the appropriate building principal (before reinstatement into the extracurricular athletic program).  Letchworth Central School will not be responsible for any fees associated with screening or counseling.


The Review Committee for Extracurricular Activities is designed to review cases of gross misconduct brought before it by the principal. Gross misconduct is any conduct or behavior including cyberspace/electronic activities which may lead school authorities to forecast/respond to substantial disruption/interference with the daily educational process.  Incidents outside school may fall under school jurisdiction provided that a relationship exists between the conduct of the student and the school’s educational function.

A)  The Review Committee consists of the following members:

  • The Director of Athletics and/or other appropriate extracurricular representative
  • Building Principal
  • Superintendent or designee
  • Board of Education member
B)  The student referred to the Review Committee for gross misconduct may request to meet with the Review Committee with his/her parents or guardians.
C)  Copies of the decision reached by the review committee will be on file with the Building Principal.  A copy will also be sent to the student and his/her parents or guardian.


A reminder to parents that if a concern or complaint needs to be addressed, the recommended procedure is as follows:

1. Contact the coach of the particular sport to set up a meeting.

  • Please do not attempt to confront a coach before, during, or after a contest or practice.  Meetings of this nature do not generally promote a successful resolution of issues.

2. If concerns remain, contact the Athletic Director.

3. If the concern is not resolved, a conference with the coach and Athletic Director may be appropriate and can be requested by the parent. The Athletic Director has the authority and discretion to deny the request for a conference if such a conference is unnecessary. 

4. If the concern still is not resolved after such conference, a conference with the coach, Athletic Director, and the Building Principal may be appropriate and can be requested by the parent. The Building Principal has the authority and discretion to deny the request for a conference if such a conference is unnecessary.


RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT/ATHLETE It is the responsibility of the student/athlete to understand and abide by the following:

STUDENT/ATHLETE TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURE:  All athletes are expected to follow the general school policy pertaining to bus transportation to and from away athletic activities.  Please note the following regulations pertaining to transportation of students to and from away athletic events.

1. Students must ride the bus to and from the away athletic events unless arrangements have been made in advance to do otherwise.  Students may ride home from an away event with the parent upon requests from the parent, or may ride with an immediate member of the family 18 years of age or older.  Parent/guardian or family member over 18 must sign and date the player/parent sign out sheet in the presence of the coach before leaving the event.

2. Students wishing to ride with a parent/guardian of a teammate, must obtain written permission from both the parent/guardian of a teammate, must obtain written permission through the building principal in advance.  The adult driver must sign and date the player/parent sign out sheet in the presence of the Letchworth Central School coach before leaving the event.

3. Students should get off the bus in their home community or at the high school when the bus is scheduled to return to the school.  If a student wishes to get off the bus at a stop other than the home community or the school, arrangements must be made in advance by way of written request from the parent to the principal.

LATE SPORTS BUS   - The late sports bus runs when school is in session.  It was primarily established to transport modified sports athletes.  Daily departure is from the HS Gym at 5:15 pm. 

INJURIESAll injuries, no matter how minor in nature, should be reported immediately to the coach or supervising adult.  After an injury has been sustained and then treated by a physician, an athlete may not return to active participation in the interscholastic program until he/she obtains medical clearance.  Any student exposed to blood should be evaluated by a medical professional.

CONCUSSIONSAll athletic events (including non-contact sports) carry some risk of participants sustaining an impact to their head which results in a mild traumatic brain injury, commonly referred to as a concussion.  This can be a potentially serious condition with 
significant health implications. Any student demonstrating signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion while participating in a school-sponsored class, extracurricular activity, or interscholastic athletic activity, shall be removed from the game or activity and be evaluated as soon as possible by an appropriate health care professional.  The student should not return to school or the activity until medically released by an appropriate health care professional.  Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to visit the concussion protocol page under the Athletics tab of the school website or visit the New York State Department of health’s website for further information regarding mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI).
ATHLETIC PHYSICALSAn athlete may not participate in the athletic program until he/she has received a sports physical by the school physician or by his/her family physician (at the expense of the family).


1. Prior to seeing your own physician the “school physical exam form” must be obtained from the school nurse.  The “School physical exam form” should be completed by the family physician and returned by the athlete to the school nurse.

2. A sports physical received from a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner must be approved by LCS school physician.

UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT - Athletes are responsible for the safekeeping of uniforms and athletic equipment issued to them.  An athlete may not compete in another sport season until all equipment has been turned in, replacement cost of lost equipment has been paid, or the situation has been resolved with the coach and Athletic Director.


Hazing and Harassment (including sexual harassment) is strictly prohibited:
  1. Hazing among students is defined as any intentional or reckless act that creates a substantial risk of physical injury to a person or a third person or causes such injury in the course of a person’s initiation into or affiliation with a student group or organization, regardless of their willingness to participate.
  2. Harassment is defined as intimidation of student, staff, or visitors by means of verbal, written, visual, or physical means, which may include, but is not limited to: derogatory remarks, signs, jokes, or pranks; demeaning comments or behavior; slurs; mimicking; name calling; graffiti; innuendo; gestures; physical contact; stalking; threatening; bullying; extorting; or the display or circulation of written materials or pictures.

Please be reminded that hazing and harassment (including sexual harassment) are violations of the law and will not be tolerated in any form.  Occurrences should be immediately reported to the building principal.  All complaints will be thoroughly investigated.


Letchworth Central School considers extracurricular activities to be those activities carried on outside the curriculum or regular course of study in school.  In order to participate in an extracurricular activity, the student must be in attendance prior to 8:45 a.m. and remain for the entire day.

To practice or participate in an activity on a weekend, the student must be in attendance prior to 8:45 a.m. on Friday and remain for the entire day.  Absences for part of the day for legal appointments are acceptable.  Students will be required to provide a note from their physician when out of school for a medical appointment.  The building principal will have the final decision relative to possible emergency situations.

Students may not participate in any extra-curricular activities or practices during the term of an in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension.

Athletes are expected to participate in regularly scheduled physical education classes.  Extenuating circumstances should be presented to the Athletic Director.