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01 13 22 Protocol Update

January 14, 2022

Dear Letchworth Families,

Here is some further information that can help you as we navigate the new guidelines from NYSDOH. We received new information from NYSDOH last night, January 13, 2022. This new guidance will help keep students in school and participating with all activities. Universal masking and social distancing is still required on school grounds.

Isolation and Quarantine Periods
- Isolation:
  • Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for a minimum of five (5) days regardless of vaccination status.
  • Further isolation will be required if symptoms persist.
- Quarantine periods for individuals exposed to COVID‐19:
  • Unvaccinated* – Five (5) days
  • Fully vaccinated, eligible for a booster, but not yet boosted* – Zero (0) days. The individual may attend school for instruction only. The individual may not attend extracurricular activities and must adhere to quarantine guidance outside of school.
  • Fully vaccinated and boosted or not yet eligible for a booster – Zero (0) days.
* Individuals in these groups may attend school for instruction AND extracurricular activities provided they participate in Test-To-Stay.

As a school, we will be implementing the following procedures to help families keep students in school and participating in extracurriculars when identified as a close contact.
Close contact tracing will only occur in very “special circumstances” within the school
setting in consultation with the WCDOH. Areas where mask wearing and social distancing cannot be accomplished consistently, may require identifying close contacts. (ex: Pre-K and certain situations for children with disabilities) The school will notify you if your child is a close contact. Test- to-stay may be an option for your child in these cases. Parents will
follow the test-to stay procedures below.
Families that have positive cases within their household and/or are labeled as close contacts will be provided home test kits for test-to stay purposes. Parents will administer a home covid test to each close contact (student) each day before school.
If the student tests positive the student will remain home and commence 5 days of
Report the positive case to the WCDOH at this link:
If the student tests negative, the student is allowed to come to school that day. These tests are completed each morning by the parent for 5 consecutive days. The student is also allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.
Tests can be secured from the school upon request for test‐to‐ stay purposes.
Please call with questions: 493- 2581 x5007 (Val Miller)
Letchworth CSD will be running a free drive up COVID test clinic for symptomatic students on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week till further notice.
Hours of the clinic are: 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm.
  • STEP 1: Email our COVID test administrator for an appointment time:
  • STEP 2: Go to our school website at this link to register.
Link: (this link no longer works as this isn't currently being done)
COVID testing for students during the school day will only occur with parent permission and for diagnostic purposes.
We realize there will be questions that arise. We will work through it with you and help this process work as smoothly as we can. Please be patient and gracious to our Health Staff and administration as we do this together.

Together...We are Letchworth,
Todd Campbell, Superintendent

LCS Isolation and Quarantine Protocols 01.13.22