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01 10 22 Protocol Update

January 11, 2022

Letchworth Central School District Family Members:

Last night, the New York State Department of Health issued updated guidance for individuals who test positive for COVID-19 and individuals who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.


The District will immediately implement the following guidance for individuals in isolation and quarantine.

  • If your child is sick you should keep him/her home and contact your health provider.
  • All masking protocols remain in effect on school grounds.
  • We will continue to work with the local WCDOH in cases where contact tracing is necessary.


  • Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate for a minimum of five (5) days regardless of vaccination status.
  • Further isolation will be required if symptoms persist.


  • Quarantine periods for individuals exposed to COVID-19:
    • Unvaccinated – Five (5) days of quarantine – After which the individual may attend school for
      instruction only. The individual may not attend extracurricular activities and must adhere to quarantine guidance outside of school for an additional 5 days.
    • Fully vaccinated, eligible for a booster, but not yet boosted – Zero (0) days. The individual may
      attend school for instruction only. The individual may not attend extracurricular activities and must
      adhere to quarantine guidance outside of school for an additional 5 days.
    • Fully vaccinated and boosted or not yet eligible for a booster – Zero (0) days. All school activities

Thank you to everyone for ensuring the safety of all our Letchworth family. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this new guidance.

Together...We are Letchworth,

Todd Campbell
Superintendent of Schools


LCS Isolation and Quarantine Protocols 01.10.22 - Document