Capital Project News Article
Voters approve $20.35M capital project at Letchworth Central School
GAINESVILLE — Area residents approved a $20.35 million capital project during voting Tuesday at Letchworth Central School.
The project was approved, 167-121. It will be funded through a mix of state aid, managing debt service payments, and district capital reserve funds.
State aid will cover about 85 percent of the overall expenses. District officials had pushed for approving the project now, while the aid was still available at its current levels.
It’s expected there will be no impact on district taxpayers.
The project will focus on creating classrooms which expand upon the district’s existing program. A major portion of the renovations would be devoted to science, engineering, agriculture and math.
Upgrading school infrastructure is another major priority.
Specific work will include:
An elementary STEAM classroom aimed at providing room for collaborative projects. The room will include construction, building and art materials; computers; a green screen; and a 3-D printer, along with robotics and coding equipment;
a STEAM innovation center featuring robotics and computer labs, a wood shop, metal shop and “makerspace;”
renovation of the existing ag classroom space into an ag/tech STEAM classroom with more-flexible space, more room and increased storage;
conversion of the school’s tennis courts into synthetic turf for athletics and gym classes, along with use by the general public;
playground improvements, including equipment for younger children;
Middle School locker room renovations and auditorium improvements;
roof, flooring, sidewalk and parking lot replacements, bus garage renovations, HVAC and boiler upgrades, and handicapped accessibility improvements.
It’s anticipated work will start in spring 2022, with substantial completion in autumn 2023.
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Matt Surtel
(585) 343-8000